April 2022 CULTURE, CURDS AND CHEESY CHATTER [April Newsletter]

Volume 15, Issue 3 of  Culture, Curds and Cheesy Chatter | April, 2022 – DOWNLOAD FULL PDF NEWSLETTER

Stirring the kettle, With President Jim

Well, for you readers outside of our hometown city of Monroe, we have some wonderful news to share: At the spring election April 5, our NHCC Executive Director Donna Douglas was elected the Mayor of our fine city!

Donna has been an alderperson for 4 years and has been involved in the community “forever.” She has been a county Board supervisor, has served on the Solid Waste Board, Law Enforcement, Land Use & Zoning, county Tourism committee and other township and regional entities. Volunteerism is her middle name.

No, Donna is not leaving her duties at the Cheese Center, just adding to the list of accolades. So when you visit and Donna is present, say “hi, your honor !”

Visitors to the Center this year will have some new displays to review. The Executive Board at its last meeting approved securing a digital photo frame which will allow us to honor our state’s master cheesemakers, by displaying their photographs on a recurring basis, during a 6 to 7 minute rotation. It will be located in the museum area at the Center.

Also we are in the process of designing and installing a large historical cheese development timeline display. This is occurring during late April and May, so look for it soon! An invitation to visit us this season, we look forward to hosting you. Regards, Jim