Volume 13, Issue 6Download PDF


The Center is now open for season!

Hours will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. Visit our Hours & Tours page to learn more.

Stirring the kettle, With President Jim


I can hardly wait! The Executive Board has given the green light to open the Cheese Center on June 18. We traditionally open May 1 for a season lasting to October 31. The pandemic changed all plans everywhere.

We are taking all types of precautions and you will find all the details on the next page. Anyone visiting us, though, ought plan ahead. Due to the constraints of the museum and factory, we will limit numbers of visitors in the buildings at one time. So if you can, go ahead and visit us for a truly amazing experience, but plan ahead and call us to arrange a visit time. (Our number is 608-325-4636).

Lastly, our local newspaper, The Times, is featuring us in a June Dairy Month Special edition. If you find us interesting, we just may have extras! NHCC Executive Director Donna Douglas is shown accepting memorial donations from Tony Wels, on behalf of Joe’s family and many friends, in memory of his father Joseph Wels, who died on January 28, 2020. Joseph and Luana Wels made cheese at the Whitehead Factory on Cty Road B, southwest of Monroe, for 33 years. Memorial gifts
to the National Historic Cheesemaking Center Museum are sincerely appreciated.

NHCC observes 25 years!

After the restoration of the Milwaukee Road Depot, a ribbon cutting was held in 1995. Those identified, starting with John Bussman, left in Swiss attire, were Sharon Riese, Donna Bahler, the late Sue Disch, then mayor Bill Ross, and Dennis Dalton. Riese, Bahler, Disch, and Dalton were the original Historic Monroe committee members that spearheaded the effort to save the depot from destruction. Bussman was president of Historic Cheesemakers for 17 years.

Beautifying the Grounds

Our organization is blessed to have NHCC volunteers Lynn Lokken and Terry Goetz, who are also “master gardeners,” planting bright and colorful plants
around our grounds this year. Special thanks to these ladies that add a “cupful of love” in each flowering plant.

Master Lawn Barbers–Thank you to Broge Lawn Care for keeping our grounds neatly “manicured” each week. We appreciate the excellent service we have received for many years with their awesome and friendly employees.

The National Historic Cheesemaking Center is a tribute to those who have gone before…and is dedicated to the hard work and sacrifices of all those in the dairy industry who have made this area of southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois internationally famous.
The unique center recalls the rich heritage of the area and is illustrative of the lively cheese industry which still flourishes today.