CULTURE, CURDS AND CHEESY CHATTER [September 2020 Newsletter]

Volume 13, Issue 9Download PDF


The Center is  open for season! Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. Visit our Hours & Tours page to learn more.

NHCC general meeting Sept. 9 at 5 p.m. at the Center.

Separator donation—

This cream separator was donated to the Cheese Center by Matt Lars. Matt owns Lars Trucking in Gratiot, WI. He hauls milk for Klondike and some other local cheese plants.

Stirring the kettle, With President Jim

On a recent August weekend, I was doing docent duties at the Center and it turned out to be a memorable day:

Right after opening at 10 a.m., in walked a retired teacher who is travelling the country by herself, looking for interesting places to visit. She then records photos and posts them on her cell for her former students (inner-city kids) to view and learn from. She was from California.

Following her was a nice couple who were intrigued by our museum and farmstead cheese factory. They hailed from Florida.

This consumed the morning hours. After lunch, a pair of brothers walked in. Upon questioning they related that they wanted a full-blown tour of everything I could tell them. Two hours later (closing time) we finished. Where were they from? One Illinois and one Alaska!

So in one day we had three far points of the Continental United States. All we really needed was someone from Maine, and we would have had it covered. But what are the odds of having visitors that geographically spread out?

AND, here’s the kicker: The guys were so impressed, they each pulled out their wallets and presented volunteer greeter Mary Friedrichs with a $20 tip—-EACH!

Just shows that we are interesting enough to get visitors from the states and the world. I keep relating to visitors that we are “an undiscovered gem,” and they certainly agree.

– Until next issue, Jim

Director Donna’s Monthly Update

More than ever before, people are eager to get out and explore, seeking inspiration, and to escape the boredom of being quarantined “safer at home.’” Sixty-eight percent of travelers say they feel safe when traveling in their personal car and with gas prices low, and packing a cooler.

Since opening day June 18, I am happy to report that we have had visitors from 28 states make their way to the National Historic Cheesemaking Center campus. Every day is a different and most rewarding day! No retirement in the future for me…11 years and counting!

Your Director, Donna

The National Historic Cheesemaking Center is a tribute to those who have gone before…and is dedicated to the hard work and sacrifices of all those in the dairy industry who have made this area of southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois internationally famous.
The unique center recalls the rich heritage of the area and is illustrative of the lively cheese industry which still flourishes today.